We’ve heard from several Windows users that it has been hard for screenreaders to capture the odrive app pop up windows - when you try to sync all and a popup prompts you - for example.
Your favorite odriver, @Tony, has cooked up a small CLI tool that plays nicely with screenreaders. (I tested using NVDA - let us know if it fails with others). So here’s what you can do:
Have odrive app installed on your desktop.
Open your command line prompt (type CMD into your explorer window)
Copy/Paste this into the CMD window.
<—Copy below—>
powershell -command "& {$o=\"$HOME\.odrive\common\";(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\"https://dl.odrive.com/cli_gui/odriveCliGui.ps1\", \"$o\odriveCliGui.ps1\");(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\"https://dl.odrive.com/cli_gui/odriveSync.lnk\", \"$HOME\sendto\odriveSync.lnk\");(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\"https://dl.odrive.com/odrivecli-win\", \"$o\oc.zip\");$shl=new-object -com shell.application; $shl.namespace(\"$o\").copyhere($shl.namespace(\"$o\oc.zip\").items(),0x10);del \"$o\oc.zip\";}"
<— end Copy—>
The above command will download 3 files:
A binary version of our python-based CLI to odrive
A powershell script that provides the GUI
A shortcut that will be placed into the Windows “send to” menu.
To verify it worked, right-click on a cloud file or folder that is inside your odrive and scroll over the “Send To” menu.
Select odriveSync from inside the “Send To” menu.
From here you can choose from a few options:
– Sync (without selecting any additional boxes) will sync that file or folder that you’ve selected.
– Recursive (for folder sync) - If you’ve selected a folder, this will sync every folder inside that folder starting from the top level and working its way down until it syncs every folder.
– Download All (for folder sync) - by default, recursive sync will turn all your files and folders into placeholders, selecting this checkbox will also download all the files in their entirety. -
Finish the action by selecting the “Sync” button on the bottom.
You’ll see it run and perform the actions you’ve specified.
This window is readable by the NVDA screenreader and tab-able, so use tab/spacebar by to select/deselect radio boxes.
An optional inf is available to install a more “direct” context menu option, instead of using “send to”. This also has the added benefit of working within Office Document file pickers, so you can sync files and folders more easily from within the apps. This works with the items installed by the script above, so make sure you follow those instructions first.
You can download it here:
Once you download the inf, right-click->install it. This will install the context menu option. You will find this listed in add/remove programs if you want to uninstall it later.
Feel free to post comments, questions, or issues you experience.
We hope this alleviates temporarily issues our visually impaired users may be having until we are able to solve these issues more fully.