Problem opening Excel files

Hey Tony. Unfortunately, we are having problems again. My co-worker cannot open 23 documents. He receives the following message when he tries to open them:

“We found a problem with some content in Better
World Circle Profile LM 11-03-15 (Version 11).xls’. Do you want us to try to
recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, Click Yes”

When he clicks Yes, it does not recover or open. We were having this problem before while we were on Enterprise and advised to remove Enterprise and install Odrive. Now it is happening on Odrive. Help. Thanks. .

Hi @modom,
If you download these files directly from the Oxygen web client (, do they show the same error when trying to open them? Are there other versions of the file, and do those work?

Would you be able to provide an example file for me to look at? You can PM it to me.


I believe the co-worker is able to pull the document from the web client. Just not the desktop. It has been reinstalled several times to see if this fixes the problem. It does not. I am also getting messages today that “Oxygen is busy” when I try to pull up a document that is in the cloud. this happens even though I have nothing else open or syncing. Can you tell me how I can send you one of the documents you mentioned by PM? I don’t believe the problem lies in the document itself though. I can open them perfectly fine. I am meeting with the co-worker on Thursday at 10:30 AM. It would be extremely helpful if someone from Oxygen could get onto his laptop from GoToMeeting and see what is going on. Please let me know if this would be an option. Thank you.

Hi @modom,
I’ve reached out to the Oxygen support team to assist you. You should here from them soon.
