OpenDrive support - any updates?

Any update on OpenDrive support returning to odrive?

Hi @mustgroove,
We don’t have any updates for this yet. The current integration path still has the issue, so we can’t re-enable it, as it stands now. We have it on our list to explore other integration options, but I don’t know when we can get to it.


Are there any updates on opendrive support?



I had to google opendrive to figure out what you were referring to. Unlimited storage? $9.95 a month? I would wait on this company a while to see if the unlimited storage is sustainable and the company does not try to change the terms on you. Amazon and Microsoft, both huge companies, axed their unlimited plans after a short amount of time and left users with a paltry 1TB of storage.


Unfortunately we don’t have any updates here and the status remains the same as the above post.

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Hi, just wondering if the integration with OpenDrive has changed since these earlier questions. I like using OpenDrive and hope I don’t get burned with the change of the terms from unlimited to limited in the future like OneDrive and Amazon Storage plans. However, in the meantime I would like the integration with the Odrive Synch service.
Thank you for any updates and if nothing is being done, how can this get prioritized by either party?:grinning:

Hi @dmacksey,
Unfortunately we don’t have an update for this integration. I have asked our product team to put it on the list for revisiting, but I cannot say when that might happen.