Odrive does not upload files & popup menu not working on macOS Sierra

Hi Tony,
I think I’ve just sent it, but I’m not sure it worked properly. Have you received?

I took a look, but I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.

When you add a file into one of your links inside the odrive folder (/Users/woncheol/odrive/) it does not upload?
When you right-click on a file or folder inside the odrive folder you also don’t see any context menu options?

No, it does not upload.
And actually I see context menu option, but the only odrive option is "Sync to odrive."
I tried to turn on and off the firewall but no difference.

Hmm… this is very strange. It may be worthwhile to try a full re-install.

To do this, please follow the 3 steps here:

Then install our latest version from here:

Once installed, login and see if the behavior in the odrive folder is as it should be.

Followed the steps, but nothing changed. Strange…

Hi @WonCheol,

Can you post a screenshot of your Finder window when right-clicking on the /Users/woncheol/odrive/Google Drive folder please?
Are you able to download files properly from within your odrive folders via a double-click?
Can you send one more diagnostic?


I’ve just sent one more diagnostic, and I can download a file with a double-click.

Can you upload the image here? I am not able to see the linked image.

Thanks! Can you do one more thing for me?

Open up the console ( type console in Spotlight Search )
Restart Finder. To do this: Hold the ⌥ (alt/option) + right click on the Finder icon in your dock -> Relaunch

Once Finder relaunches, some entries should show up in the console. Look for:
:poop: odrive Finder Extension loaded :poop:

Can you copy and paste that entry and any entries that appeared immediately after that (or possibly before that).


default 21:32:55.600923 +0900 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
default 21:32:55.601050 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 1 result
default 21:32:59.049930 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 2 results
default 21:32:59.055582 +0900 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
default 21:32:59.055683 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 1 result
default 21:32:59.066109 +0900 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
default 21:32:59.066373 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 1 result
default 21:32:59.069574 +0900 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
default 21:32:59.069690 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 1 result
default 21:32:59.070017 +0900 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 20, EGID: 20
default 21:32:59.070207 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 1 result
default 21:32:59.070792 +0900 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 501, EUID: 501, GID: 20, EGID: 20
default 21:32:59.070893 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 1 result
default 21:32:59.090034 +0900 CommCenter #I CSIAppInfo.ApplicationActivationObserver: handleLSNotitifcation_sync: Application exited:
default 21:32:59.091194 +0900 gamed GKClientProxy: clientForBundleID:
default 21:32:59.091243 +0900 gamed GKClientProxy: updateIfRecentlyInstalled
default 21:32:59.091310 +0900 gamed GKDataTransport: initWithBag:
default 21:32:59.091368 +0900 gamed GKMultiplayerMatchService: cancelGameInviteWithHandler:
default 21:32:59.091427 +0900 gamed GKDataTransport: initWithBag:
default 21:32:59.091479 +0900 gamed GKMutltiplayerMatchService: cancelOutstandingMatchRequestWithHandler
default 21:32:59.091548 +0900 gamed GKDataRequestManager+Nearby: clearAllNearbyInvites
default 21:32:59.091597 +0900 gamed GKBulletinController sharedController
default 21:32:59.091672 +0900 gamed GKBulletinController+Common getBulletinsOfType:
default 21:32:59.092278 +0900 CommCenter #I CSIAppInfo.ApplicationActivationObserver: handleLSNotitifcation_sync: Application exited:
default 21:32:59.122975 +0900 trustd cert[2]: AnchorTrusted =(leaf)[force]> 0
default 21:32:59.126023 +0900 syncdefaultsd CSSM Exception: -2147411889 CSSMERR_CL_UNKNOWN_TAG
default 21:32:59.126275 +0900 syncdefaultsd CSSM Exception: -2147411889 CSSMERR_CL_UNKNOWN_TAG
default 21:32:59.126590 +0900 syncdefaultsd CSSM Exception: -2147411889 CSSMERR_CL_UNKNOWN_TAG
default 21:32:59.127035 +0900 syncdefaultsd CSSM Exception: -2147411889 CSSMERR_CL_UNKNOWN_TAG
default 21:32:59.140411 +0900 opendirectoryd Client: , UID: 501, EUID: 501, GID: 20, EGID: 20
default 21:32:59.140525 +0900 opendirectoryd completed, delivered 1 result
default 21:32:59.147938 +0900 Finder subsystem: com.apple.siri, category: Intents, enable_level: 1, persist_level: 1, default_ttl: 0, info_ttl: 0, debug_ttl: 0, generate_symptoms: 0, enable_oversize: 0, privacy_setting: 0, enable_private_data: 0
default 21:32:59.153458 +0900 Finder subsystem: com.apple.clouddocs, category: default, enable_level: 0, persist_level: 0, default_ttl: 14, info_ttl: 0, debug_ttl: 0, generate_symptoms: 0, enable_oversize: 0, privacy_setting: 0, enable_private_data: 0
default 21:32:59.156576 +0900 Finder got a connection for: com.apple.cache_delete
default 21:32:59.157479 +0900 Finder got proxy: for service: com.apple.cache_delete

Hi. Any news since the console message above?

Apologies @WonCheol, I missed your previous reply.

You mentioned firewall software. Do you have any other software running like anti-virus or something similar? The behavior you are describing is definitely strange. Please make sure you have shutdown/disabled any software that may be actively monitoring the system, just to eliminate the possibility of interference.

Can you also try the following?

  1. Add a new file into /Users/woncheol/odrive/Amazon Cloud Drive
  2. Wait about 30 seconds, then run the following command from a terminal session and take a screenshot of the result:
    python $(ls -d "$HOME/.odrive/bin/"*/ | tail -1)odrive.py status
  3. Send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu


No anti-virus or others except macOS native firewall.
Tried to disable it and tried full re-install, but the same.

I sent a diagnostic. Please also find below the console message:

odrive Make Cloud Storage THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.

isActivated: True hasSession: True
email: w**** accountType: CloudDrive
syncEnabled: True version: prod 6002
placeholderThreshold: neverDownload autoUnsyncThreshold: never
downloadThrottlingThreshold: unlimited uploadThrottlingThreshold: normal
autoTrashThreshold: never Mounts: 1
xlThreshold: never Backups: 0

Sync Requests: 0
Background Requests: 0
Uploads: 0
Downloads: 0
Trash: 0
Waiting: 0
Not Allowed: 0

Everything seems okay… this is the strangest thing. I’ve been messing around with my own settings trying to replicate your setup, but I can’t see anything wrong.

Are you still unable to upload files?
Can you place a file in /Users/woncheol/odrive/Amazon Cloud Drive/ and then send over one more diagnostic? Also, please tell me the name of the file.

Actually, I do see something a little odd that I just noticed. I see references to “/Users/WonCheol” and “/Users/woncheol”. One has capitalized letters and one doesn’t. This is strange, as I would expect them to be listed the same, as they are in other diagnostics I’ve looked at.

What do you see when you run this command in a terminal session?
ls -al /Users

Can you think of any reason why I would see both versions?

That can be a suspect!

Last login: Wed Oct 19 12:59:23 on ttys000
WonCheols-Mac-mini:~ woncheol$ ls -al /Users
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 6 root admin 204 Sep 21 21:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 37 root wheel 1326 Sep 21 21:47 …
-rw-r–r-- 1 root wheel 0 Jul 31 05:49 .localized
drwxr-xr-x+ 11 Guest _guest 374 Sep 21 19:08 Guest
drwxrwxrwt 5 root wheel 170 Sep 21 21:48 Shared
drwxr-xr-x+ 19 woncheol staff 646 Oct 19 08:51 WonCheol

I’ve considered changing my user name, but I’m hesitating because of a possible problem when I looked into my user setting:

Group: staff
Account name: woncheol
Full name: WonCheol Kim
Home directory: /Users/woncheol

What if I change my Account name and/or Home directory?

Hi @WonCheol,
I think the Home directory should probably be changed to match the filesystem capitalization. OS X is generally a little bit flexible with this, which is why you are probably not seeing any other issues, but technically, the directory you have defined doesn’t actually exist.

If possible, I would make a backup, just in case.

My actual home directory was /Users/WonCheol

So I’ve just tried to change my account name and home directory setting, rebooted, and then odrive was initialized with new odrive directory.

Now everything seems fine! Thank you so much!

Maybe that was a bug of Sierra. If I remember correctly, the account name that I had typed in was WonCheol.

One last question. Can I also enable odrive pop-up menu when I use Commender One Pro? I guess odrive for Mac does not support this feature, because it’s the same on my old MacBook Air with different account name. I prefer Commander One Pro because it has simmilar UX with Total Commander for Windows…

Great! This was definitely a new one. Thanks for your patience in solving it.