Multiple urgent pop-ups on Mac

We have an urgent message for you!!! 1997 pop-up window style.
I just updated to vs. 7070 and these notification windows are now totally out of hand. I’m getting notice that odrive can not sync something but it doesn’t give me any actionable information on how to address it. I wake up to 15 of these all stacked up like some late 90s website pop-up hell. A serious WTF moment.
Is odrvie going to start selling me an extension on my car warranty now?

Hi @r_speth ,
Sorry about this. We just released this feature, but it shouldn’t be stacking these windows like this. We’ll look into the multi-window issue ASAP.

The idea behind this is that sometimes folks have items that are not syncing, but are unaware of the issue. It sounds like this is the case for you.

Do you have items in the waiting list in the odrive tray menu?


I almost always have items in my “waiting to snyc” and “not allowed” list. However, right now I do not. My home office is limited by our cable internet upload speeds and I work with dozens 150mb RAW files, and 300-500mb .tif files all the time. I’m used to it taking time to sort it all out. My studio office has fiber optic and does a better job, but it too almost always has something in the “not allowed” list. It normally sorts itself out so I don’t pay it much attention. I’ve attached a screenshot

of the message I get when I click on an item in the not allowed list.

Thanks @r_speth .

The message should only pop if the same item has been in waiting for more than an hour. We do not currently pop this for not allowed items. I will make sure we add an option to disable this so that you have this option if items lingering in waiting is something you expect and already manage.

The not allowed error you have there indicates that a file on the remote is older than the local file. We have a default setting to prevent downloading an older file on top of a newer local file. This was mostly put into place because of several very painful scenarios where, for example, a member of a team copied in older files on top of existing files and those propagated out to everyone. This check can be disabled

We added more information into out sync activity log in this release, too, which can be referred to to get more details about these scenarios like the dates of the files. If you look at the log you should also be able to see what was cycling in waiting.

Hi @r_speth ,
Here is a beta build that will have that alert only show a maximum of one window. Can you give it a shot?

This also has an advanced option to suppress urgent messages, if you wish. To use this, delete the odrive_user_general_conf.txt file in the root of the odrive folder. The file will be automatically regenerated after a few seconds. Open the file and change:
"suppressUrgentNotifications": false
"suppressUrgentNotifications": true
then save the file.

The above fix has been officially released now: