The Cloud folders are now showing in my Odrive folder after following what you asked me to do.
Since Amazon Drive is ending, I already completely downloaded a folder (among others) from Amazon Drive but want to move/upload it to Google Drive.
I had moved it already with Google Drive Software but my Computer later started getting too slow - too much. It was terrible and can’t be describing all I went through here. So I uninstalled the Google Drive software and better using Odrive for managing my moving/uploading.
I think I may have to delete the uploaded folder on Google Drive and re-upload it with Odrive?
Can I just copy/paste or move the completely downloaded folder to Google Drive OR it is better that I upgrade again and use Odrive “sync to” premium function?
You should be able to copy the files to the existing folder and odrive will determine if the files need to be uploaded/updated. Premium isn’t need for that.
The downloaded folder from Amazon Drive is 390GB and only 195GB is what is left for my D: disk partition, where my Odrive is located.
As a result, instead of copying the folder to my Google Drive folder, I wanted to move it and later unsync it after it has completely uploaded to Google Drive before starting to download another folder from Amazon Drive.
Unfortunately, as I was trying to move the 390GB folder from Amazon Drive folder to Google Drive folder, I was always getting the following message:
"Folder in Use
The action can’t be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program.
Close the folder or file and try again"
I exited Odrive and made sure it didn’t startup with the system after restarting, however, that also didn’t help when tryiing to move the folder. I don’t know which file is opened in which program.
I am still looking forward to a way out except I will have to be moving the subfolder one after the other, of course, which I haven’t tried.
After that, if you want to move the folder instead of copying it, make sure you don’t have any auto-trash rules set, so that the moved folder will be seen as a delete that goes into the trash queue. You can then restore it out of the trash so that it comes back as a placeholder file in Amazon.
I discovered the process using the folder from Resource Monitor - Windows button + R, typed “resmon.exe” plus enter, CPU tab, pasted the name of the folder to see the process using the folder and then right-click to end the process.
The “Not Allowed” files list is not showing properly. Few files names are showing while many are not showing. Is there a way to get the list of those files names in a text file?
I saw a huge amount of my files/folders in the Trash tab on Amazon Drive. I don’t understand how this came to be.
Odrive is only showing 6 items in my Trash bin.
Meanwhile, Odrive couldn’t upload my files/folders to Amazon Drive anymore since I didn’t renew my Amazon Drive subscription but Odrive could still download my files/folders.
The files/folders in the Amazon Drive Trash tab are so many that I got tired of scrolling down. Thier trashed dates are between 24th March, 2023 - 25th March, 2023 as far as I could scroll before I got tired.
I tried to search the names of 3-5 of the files/folders in the Amazon Drive’s Trash, they were from my “1-PROJECTS” folder I moved on my computer from Amazon Drive folder to Google Drive folder 3 days ago.
The “1-PROJECTS” folder is showing in the Odrive’s Trash bin but not showing in the Amazon Drive Trash tab except the files and folders in the “1-PROJECTS” folder.
The “1-PROJECTS” folder is still showing in the Amazon Drive’s “All Files” tab not showing as deleted.
I wanted to go and restore the “1-PROJECTS” folder from the Amazon Drive Trash so that it could show as unsynced placeholder on computer in the Amazon Drive folder as you told me the other time, that was how I saw all these. The “1-PROJECTS” folder is not in the Amazon Drive Trash.
Hi @awoobforknowledge,
The odrive sync activity logs will show all of the odrive activity, and will reveal if odrive performed any deletes of data on Amazon. If you didn’t empty the trash, though, then odrive shouldn’t have deleted anything on Amazon’s side.
If you stopped paying for your account, Amazon will start automatically deleting items that are over your quota. They’ve been gradually doing it on my account for a while, now. Looking at my account right now, I actually have items that were deleted just a few days ago, even though I haven’t touched Amazon Drive in several months and no longer have it linked to odrive.
How long ago did you stop paying for your Amazon storage?
I can take a look at your logs and see what they reveal, if you want to zip them up and share them with me. The logs will be in C:\Users\[Your user name here]\.odrive\log (The .odrive folder in that path has a leading period and it may be hidden)
Re-reading your post, it sounds like you may have actually emptied the odrive trash? If so, that would also explain what you are seeing. When I said to restore from the trash queue, I meant the odrive trash queue (You just click on the item listed in the odrive trash and select “Recover”. See our documentation here: Sync Changes).
Amazon’s trash functionality it not very good (to say the least) and it requires that all of the items inside a folder be sent to the Amazon trash, individually, before the folder can be sent to the Amazon trash. If you emptied the odrive trash, odrive will execute that command on Amazon by sending all of the items in the folder to the trash, first. This would show up in the Amazon trash as you have described, where there are lots and lots of individual items listed.
As far as I could remember, I didn’t empty the trash in more than 1-2 weeks ago if I am not mistaken.
I think they have a 180 days grace period before deleting one’s files, or is that not applicable any longer?
I received their “Action Required: Amazon Photos billing problem” on 30th January, 2023.
When I clicked on “Manage Storage” on their Cloud Drive, it took me to their Photo page where it says:
“Your 2 TB plan expired February 19, 2023
Your storage plan has expired, and you’re in a grace period before files exceeding your storage limit will be deleted.”
I may have to take extra patience to scroll to the buttom if possible, to see the oldest date of file trash on the Amazon Trash to know if I haven’t lost any file already before downloading the “1-PROJECTS” folder or files from any other folder on the Amazon Drive.
Another strange thing is that, despite not renewing my subscription, the Amazon Drive Recent Files tab is showing recent files from 22nd -25th March, 2023, after 16th February, 2023 recent file update.