Is odrive desktop supported on MacOS Sequoia beta? šŸ˜¬

Just did the public MacOS Sequoia beta upgrade and while odrive appears to be still installed, it doesnā€™t work - no system tray icon, no sync options, etc. Iā€™ve checked all the security, privacy and accessibility permissions and everything looks correct, but if youā€™ve got a checklist Iā€™d love to confirm. I havenā€™t tried uninstalling and reinstalling yet - wanted to ask here firstā€¦

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Hi @matt.nye,
Yes there are some issues with the new beta MacOS. We are investigating, but there isnā€™t a fix as of yet.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

I am also running a beta of Sequoia.

In case itā€™s helpful, here is the beginning of the crash report:

Process: NotificationCenter [87932]
Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
Version: 1.0 (1445)
Build Info: NotificationCenter-1445000000000000~39
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2024-07-27 16:36:49.5718 -0400
OS Version: macOS 15.0 (24A5289h)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 1E07A3DD-3688-287E-3588-87544AFF9963

Time Awake Since Boot: 630000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread: 12

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000102eb8910

Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5
Terminating Process: exc handler [87932]

I can send you the full report if you want it.

I can also reproduce it on demand.

Thanks @kenlefeb,
We may actually have this fixed. Iā€™ll have a version to test tomorrow if you and @matt.nye would like to try it.

Oh thatā€™s great! Iā€™ll be around tomorrow and can definitely give it a try.


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Same here. Iā€™m available today.

Hi @matt.nye and @kenlefeb,
Can you try updating to this version, when you get a chance, and let me know how it goes?


Hi Tony,

I installed your update and am having much better success than I did previously. Right after installing, it launched and did not crash, but it also did not begin syncing any files. It did recognize my ODrive folder from the previous installation, and I was able to click on the ā€œOpen odrive folderā€ command and have Finder open up in the correct place.

Since it wasnā€™t syncing (I waited a while to be sure it wasnā€™t just slow to begin), I quit ODrive altogether and restarted it. On the next run, it immediately began syncing files! There are a good number of changes to catch up with, since I havenā€™t been able to sync in a while.

I cannot see any commands, though, in the Finder right-click menu, to Sync and Unsync files and folders. If I double-click a .cloudf directory or .cloud file, it appropriately syncs them, but thereā€™s no way for me to unsync anything.

Youā€™re almost there! Thanks for the update. Let me know if thereā€™s anything I can do to help you figure this out.


Thanks for the feedback @kenlefeb! It sounds like the only issue you are hitting is with the Finder Extension.

Can you do the following?

  1. Open up the console app (Type ā€˜consoleā€™ in spotlight).
  2. Click on ā€œStart Streamingā€
  3. In the search field at the top-right, copy and paste in: Process:FinderSyncExtension
  4. Open-up a terminal session (Type ā€˜terminalā€™ in spotlight)
  5. Copy and paste the following command:
    pluginkit -a ~/.odrive/bin/7423/

In the console, there should be a bunch of output when you run the pluginkit command, including a message that says: ā€œodrive Finder Extension loadedā€.

Do you see that? If you still donā€™t see the right-click options or the file badging, try a Finder restart, as well (option + right-click on Finder icon and select ā€œRelaunchā€.

If you donā€™t see the ā€œodrive Finder Extension loadedā€ message, I may need to take a look at the console output. Can you copy and paste it into a text file and post here?

Hi Tony, I tried these steps but I donā€™t see any output after running the command. Here are screenshots of console and terminal window. I tried what you suggested to relaunch Finder but no joy.

Hi Tony,

Sorry for the delay; Iā€™m in the U.S. Eastern time zone.

I tried to run the pluginkit -a command and canā€™t see any evidence that itā€™s loading the extension at all. No error messages, but no logging message either.

I verified the path is valid and the FinderSyncExtension.appex file exists. I watched Activity Monitor (with a filter on ā€œFinderā€) while issuing the pluginkit command and the extension never appears.

I tried relaunching Finder after running pluginkit and even tried rebooting the whole machine, just in case.

There arenā€™t any log messages from the console to share with you, or Iā€™d be happy to do so. :frowning:

I did pluginkit -m > plugins.txt and searched the resulting output for the characters ā€œFinderSyncExtā€ and the only result is from SetApp:


Let me know what else I can do to help.

Thanks @kenlefeb and @matt.nye!

It is strange that nothing is showing in the console logs. On my Sequoia Mac the plugin is working, but I am reading on the Apple Developer forums that there are some issues with using FinderSync extensions on Sequoiaā€¦

Letā€™s see what this one-liner command produces:

echo "Existing odrive plugin: "; pluginkit -vmA | grep odrive; echo "Removing odrive plugin and listing (should be none listed): "; pluginkit -r ~/.odrive/bin/*/*; sleep 5; pluginkit -vmA | grep odrive; echo "Adding odrive plugin and listing: "; pluginkit -a ~/.odrive/bin/*/*; sleep 5; pluginkit -vmA | grep odrive; echo "Enabling odrive plugin: "; pluginkit -e "use" -i "com.oxygen.odriveapp"

This will list any existing odrive plugin, then attempt to remove it, add it again, and enable it.

No dice. I watched it run in terminal and all looked good, but no activity in console and no tooltip in finder :frowning:

Hi @matt.nye,
It is bizarre that you arenā€™t seeing anything in the console. There should be quite a few lines showing-up there, regardless of what the result of the commands are.

Can you copy and paste the output from the terminal here?

What if you just search for odrive instead of Process:FinderSyncExtension in the console? You can exit odrive to reduce noise when filter by ā€œodriveā€.

I may be doing something wrong - not sure. Here are the screenshots:

Hey @matt.nye,
I think I see what may be happening for the console output. Can you try deselecting the ā€œActivitiesā€ option at the top?

Hereā€™s my experience (seems similar to Mattā€™s):

āžœ  ~ echo "Existing odrive plugin: "; pluginkit -vmA | grep odrive; echo "Removing odrive plugin and listing (should be none listed): "; pluginkit -r ~/.odrive/bin/*/*; sleep 5; pluginkit -vmA | grep odrive; echo "Adding odrive plugin and listing: "; pluginkit -a ~/.odrive/bin/*/*; sleep 5; pluginkit -vmA | grep odrive; echo "Enabling odrive plugin: "; pluginkit -e "use" -i "com.oxygen.odriveapp"
Existing odrive plugin: 
+    com.oxygen.odriveapp(1.0)	8B613D18-C0C9-4290-A91D-AF19823F91B4	2024-07-29 23:26:54 +0000	/Users/kenlefeb/.odrive/bin/7423/
Removing odrive plugin and listing (should be none listed): 
Adding odrive plugin and listing: 
+    com.oxygen.odriveapp(1.0)	542648D9-B5A4-4E54-91B0-C5EB15E3DCC2	2024-07-29 23:28:04 +0000	/Users/kenlefeb/.odrive/bin/7423/
Enabling odrive plugin: 
āžœ  ~ 

Hereā€™s a screenshot of the console afterwards:

Then I relaunched Finder:

I do have other Finder extensions running, as you can see in my Activity Monitor:

Let me know how else I can help. Thank you so much for working with us on this!

Thanks for the follow-up @kenlefeb and @matt.nye.

The extension is being installed, since it comes back in the list after adding it with pluginkit. It seems like it is not being enabled, though, and there isnā€™t any information coming back to tell us why. What makes it more difficult is that it is working correctly on the two machines running 10.15 that Iā€™ve tested here.

Maybe there is a conflict of some sort? I see that @kenlefeb looks to have some other Finder extensions loaded. @matt.nye do you also have some other Finder extensions loaded?

@matt.nye since your console shows 389 messages for the odrive filter, there could be some info there that could point us in the right direction.

  • Was this after exiting odrive? If not, can you exit odrive and run the commands again?
  • In either case can you please copy and paste the console entries into a txt file and send that over to me? You can message me directly with it, if you like. Just click on my name and then click on ā€œMessageā€.

Do you know, Tony, if thereā€™s a way to temporarily disable my other extensions (without having to uninstall all of the apps they came with) to see if that fixes our problem with the ODrive extension?

Also, is there any way to manually unsync items without using the Finder extension? I would be happy using a workaround until long-term solutions are discovered.
