Is odrive desktop supported on MacOS Sequoia beta? šŸ˜¬

Hi @kenlefeb,
You can use the included python CLI to send commands, including unsync, from the terminal.

For example:
python3 ~/.odrive/bin/7423/ unsync "/Users/t/odrive/Dropbox Business/temp"

Would unsync the temp folder in my Dropbox Business account.

Just a heads up - I updated to Beta 2, and the issue persistsā€¦

Hi @matt.nye and @kenlefeb,
This is a bit of a shot in the dark, but I wanted to try something.

This command sequence will copy the file into the userā€™s Applications folder and then go through the extension registration. My thinking is that the new version of MacOS may be picky about where the extension is locatedā€¦

echo "Existing odrive plugin: "; pluginkit -vvvmA | grep odrive; echo "Removing odrive plugin and listing (should be none listed): "; pluginkit -r ~/.odrive/bin/*/*; pluginkit -r ~/Applications/*; sleep 5; pluginkit -vvvmA | grep odrive; echo "Copying to ~/Applications"; cp -R ~/.odrive/bin/7423/ ~/Applications/; sleep 15; echo "Adding odrive plugin and listing: "; pluginkit -a ~/Applications/*; sleep 5; pluginkit -a ~/Applications/*; sleep 5; pluginkit -vvvmA | grep odrive; echo "Enabling odrive plugin: "; pluginkit -e "use" -i "com.oxygen.odriveapp"

Can you give that a shot and see if it changes anything?

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Iā€™ll give that a shot over the weekend and let you know. Thanks!

Great guess! That gave me the sync options in Finder!

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Me too!

Thank you so much for your dedication to helping us figure this out! You are awesome, Tony!

Great! Thanks for trying that @matt.nye and @kenlefeb. I really appreciate your patience and assistance with this.

Now we need to look at product changes to account for this.

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not starting at all and see the crash reports each time

Hi @dimitri,
Can you try this version, when you get a chance? odrive

@Tony great thanks for so fast response

It works well - started without crashing and synced all files.

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Our latest release has this fix in it: