I have folder clouds do you have script too update this folder

i have folder clouds do you have script too update this folder

Hi @guillaume,

Would you like to explain your work flow in more details? so we could come up with better solution.

  1. In which storage your data is stored or you want to store you data? such as Amazon Cloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive or etc…
  2. Are you looking for a script that sync your changes between your cloud storage and desktop?
  3. Did you get a chance to try odrive desktop client

odrive desktop client for MAC: https://www.odrive.com/downloaddesktop?platform=mac
odrive desktop client for Windows: https://www.odrive.com/downloaddesktop?platform=win

  1. Did you get a chance to explore odrive agent

odrive Sync Agent for MAC, Windows, Linux: odrive | Usage Guide

Please learn more about odrive here:


1 Like

Is working The powershellscript is update m’y folder sync
Is possible Too update you ré software and create a task for update odrive folder

Hi @guillaume,
odrive will sync things automatically already. Can you provide some details on what you are expecting and what you are seeing?

18/07/2016 14:51 .
18/07/2016 14:51 …
23/04/2016 21:19 clean cache
18/01/2016 05:42 567 clean cache.zip
14/06/2016 13:07 0 client.cloudf
09/08/2016 08:59 compta2016
18/01/2016 08:03 406 desktop_PC-WINDOWSHP_1.ini
20/01/2016 16:20 158 desktop_PC-WINDOWSHP_2.ini
01/03/2016 09:46 158 desktop_PC-WINDOWSHP_3.ini
08/12/2015 22:48 40 905 maaf 2013 Attestation MCE_2 (récupéré).pdf
08/12/2015 22:44 1 019 366 mantalo cambier guillaume (récupéré).pdf
15/08/2016 12:31 messaging compagny
03/08/2016 13:05 Nouveau dossier
11/06/2016 20:15 prerequis
08/12/2015 22:47 72 919 progressive3 (récupéré).pdf
18/07/2016 14:51 680 730 Servers.xml
11/06/2016 20:16 Shared with Everyone
08/12/2015 22:35 15 629 soccompte (récupéré).pdf
18/07/2016 14:51 75 912 sp1.xml
06/04/2016 14:28 0 test.onotex
10/07/2016 20:41 usb
12 fichier(s) 1 906 750 octets
9 RĂ©p(s) 225 924 538 368 octets libres


I think you are requesting that all new folders and files are always synced down?

Take a look at these usage guide sections for information on “sync all” functionality and “folder sync rules”:

Double clicking on any placeholder file will transform it into a regular
file, including taking up storage by the size of the file. You’ll also
notice badging that indicates the current sync status for that file.

i update the software this morning is better but not ok for 13 folder

is it normal i need too do that
{ & “$HOME.odrive-agent\bin\odriveagent.exe” }

That command above is only if you are running the odrive Agent and not the odrive Desktop Client, so this is not applicable to your use case.

I think the problem you are describing is that you are performing a right-click->sync on a folder, selecting subfolders to be included, but not everything is downloading? This can happen if the structure is large and an exception is hit on the cloud that interrupts the process. At this point the right-click->sync on the folder would need to be performed again.

We have a plan to improve the exception tolerance for these long-running operations to keep going, even after exceptions are hit.

If you want a script that will essentially loop forever until done, you can use the following powershell script (rename .txt to .ps1). It will open a folder-chooser and then give you options for syncing that folder.
odrive_sync_a_folder.txt (7.7 KB)

Make sure you are running our latest version, which you can find here: