How do I setup and link Amazon S3 storage?

How do I setup and link Amazon S3 storage?

The following steps assume you already have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. If you do not, you can sign-up for one here:

1) Once logged in to your AWS console, navigate to the Simple Storage Service (S3) section, where we will create a new S3 bucket

2) Click on “Create Bucket”

3) Choose a unique name for the bucket and choose the region you would like it to be in and click “Create”

4) Next, we will create a general IAM policy for the bucket. Navigate to the Identity Access and Management section (IAM):

5) Click on “Policies” in the left-hand column and click on “Create Policy”

6) Select “Create Your Own Policy”

7) Select a unique policy name and add an appropriate description.

Here is a template policy that can be used. Make sure to change “odrivestorage1” to whatever the name of your bucket is:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Add the policy and then click on “Create Policy”

8) Now navigate to “Users” in the left-hand column and click on “Add user”

9) Enter a unique name and select “Programmatic access” as the access type. Click “Next: Permissions”

10) One the next screen select “Attach existing policies directly” and select the IAM policy we created in steps 6-7. Then click on “Next: Review”
Alternatively you can create a group with our policy attached and then add the user to the group

11) Review your configuration and then click on “Create user”

12) The final screen will show the user’s access ID and secret key. Make a note of these, as you will need them to link S3 to odrive. Keep this information secret and safe.

13) Now navigate to, sign in, and click on “+ Link Storage”

14) Select Amazon S3

15) Enter your information for the link. You can choose the type of storage and the type of odrive link to create.

We recommend “Standard” for the storage class and “Enhanced odrive FS” for the directory structure.

If you are accessing a bucket that has existing storage in it, you will most likely want to choose “Simple / Delimited” for the directory structure option.

If you would like more information on the directory structure options, take a look at the FAQ section at the bottom of this page:

That’s it! You are now linked to your new S3 storage bucket and can access it using the odrive desktop client and web client.

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