Does odrive automatically sync?

sorry, i’m sure this is a dumb question…but i can’t seem to figure out…so i just installed acd on my desktop and odrive. i used acd to add ‘my pictures’ folder from my pc. it’s uploading now. i can see this folder in my odrive folder tree on my pc. do i have to right-click and choose sync to force it to sync or will any pictures i add to this folder automatically be added to acd? what about file deletion? if i delete a file from my pictures folder, will it delete it from acd? thanks!

Hi @monicavong,
Are you using both odrive and the Amazon Cloud Drive desktop client?

To answer your question, any files/folders you add or modify inside the default odrive folder will sync automatically. Deletes within the odrive folder are staged and not committed to the remote storage, unless you empty the odrive trash.

You can take a look at our usage guide for more details:

If you want to automatically sync content that exists outside of the default odrive folder, like the some of the typical Operating System default folders (Desktop, Pictures, Music, Downloads, etc.), you can use our Premium feature “sync to odrive”. This will allow you to create a sync relationship between any existing folder on your computer and a location of your choice in the cloud.

More information on “sync to odrive” here:


Thanks! Yes, i’m using both odrive and acd desktop client. what if i didn’t add the folder via the linked acd folder. I added it via the acd desktop client…i see it in the odrive folder now. do i need to do something to make it automatically sync? Thanks!

Anything you add or change locally inside the odrive folder will sync automatically up to the linked storage. If you want files to download from ACD locally, you will need to trigger that yourself or set folder sync rules to do it automatically.