Windows 10 app listing under "s' not "o"

In windows 10 the app menu has odrive listed as “start odrive”. Not intuitive. Perhaps better to list as “odrive”>start or stop. It took me a while to find it.

Related to this request is adding a stop option to the app listing. Literally close the app, not pause the sync. I am uploading a huge number of archived files and need to run the app at night so that I have some bandwidth left. Until it is all in the cloud I need to close the process during the day and start it at night.

Hey Thomas,

If you look in the odrive tray menu, you should see a “Pause Sync” or “Stop Sync” option. If you are uploading files or big folders, this should make it easy to start and stop syncing when you need the extra bandwidth. When you want to start again just go back to the tray and select “Start Sync”.

If you are downloading, you may need to go back to the folder you want to download and re-sync them.

As for the listing in the app menu, I agree that’s not ideal, will relay that to the team. Thanks :slightly_smiling:

Thanks Aric
I’m uploading some large folders. While doing that by dropping them into odrive, the pause option is not available. The stop option is there but seems to have no effect. The flickering red and green dots on the explorer folders and files continue flickering and the network usage graphs are still high. That’s why I am just turning odrive off during the day and running at night until the initial upload is completed. After that I’ll run it normally.