Why no log entry when sync fails due to invalid characters?

I’ve been trying to sync my Amazon Cloud Drive to my Windows 10 PC, but many files and folders would not sync onto my PC. I just spent several hours trying to figure out why these particular files/folders would not sync. There were no entries in the odrive log files that would indicate a problem. As it turns out, the files had invalid characters for Windows. It would have been really nice to see a list of files/folders that could not sync, with a reason why they could not sync.

BTW, I found out the files had bad characters by trying to download them manually from my amazon drive.

Hi @black.seanm,
This is a current limitation, but will be addressed in our next major release (still several weeks out). It will allow better visibility into this behavior.

Wow, thanks so much for the quick response! Looking forward to the next release! Keep up the great work!

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