Uploading files from my computer drive to the cloud drive

I have uploaded files to the Amazon drive on my computer but want them to appear on the amazon cloud instead. It takes a lot of space on my computer and want to transfer all of the amazon drive on my computer to the cloud. I don’t see a way to do this. Thanks

Hi @bcallinv1,
the odrive Premium feature “unsync” can be used to do just this. It will replace the items on your local hard drive with placeholders that represent the files in Amazon Drive.

Please take a look here for more information: https://docs.odrive.com/docs/manage-disk-space#section-unsync-old-files

There is also a video that goes over this here: https://vimeo.com/166584160

Thank you very much. This will help. But I have a question about the Amazon drive cloud. When I put files on my amazon drive on my computer why don’t they appear on the amazon cloud? The folders seem to appear on the cloud but no files. The files are on the drive but not on the cloud. Very frustrating. Thanks for the help. I do like the Odrive

By the way, my music ends in .mp3, my photos in .jpg and my videos in .mov . I assume these are ok to download to the cloud? Thanks

Hi @bcallinv1,
Yes those file types should be fine.

I don’t quite understand the issue you are seeing, but it sounds like you added files to the odrive\Amazon Cloud Drive folder, but they are not uploading?

Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive menu so I can see if anything is amiss?