Unable to download files on OneDrive

Dear Tony,

Still on the same issue, I have 37 “Not allowed” files that all come down with the message that “The file is locked on Microsoft OneDrive”. The problem is that I see no reason for it to be, however, I noticed that they all come from two folders (not all of the files within the two folders). Also, if I select the “Delete your change” option, after sometime, the same files return to the “Not allowed” category.

How can I reset this behavior, any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


Hi @diogobarreto,
Are these files inside folders that you own, or are they folders that are shared with you? If they are shared, that is likely the issue, since odrive can’t write to OneDrive shared folders at this time.

Hi Tony, these are all files that I own. Is there anyway for me to show you this issue?
Thanks again,

Hi @diogobarreto,
Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive menu and give me the path of the files?

Dear Toni,

I have just sent the diagnostic and here is the folder path to 3 “Not Allowed” files:

  • C:\odrive\OneDrive\Documents\Data\LOGIT\Projetos\0 Antigos\201001 - Uniduto 3 petro\8 Projeto antigo\Envio 3 (20091203)\01.Transcad\Caminho_Min_20091116.wrk
  • C:\odrive\OneDrive\Documents\Data\Diogo\0 Financeiro\IRPF\Programas\ReceitanetJava2006_01win32.zip
  • C:\odrive\OneDrive\Documents\Data\LOGIT\Propostas\1 Antigos\201602 - Miami BRT\1 Presentation\Miami - mobility (20160302)c Revisión curta - esp.pptx
  • C:\odrive\OneDrive\Documents\Data\LOGIT\Projetos\0 Antigos\200807 - Porto de Santos\Arena\Arena 8.01\Redist\System Updates\MDAC\MDAC_TYP.EXE

I believe all 37 “Not Allowed” files are contained in one of the 4 root folders above.

Thanks in advance,


Hi @diogobarreto,
OneDrive is essentially telling us we can’t download these files, but it is not giving us a specific reason.

Do you receive any type of message when you try to download these files from the OneDrive web browser? If so, what does it say?

There seems to be something “special” about these files that OneDrive has an issue with.

Dear Tony,

I managed to download these files from the web browser with no issue… Is there something I could do, what information could I ask the OneDrive support team?


Hi @diogobarreto,
If you take one of these files and upload it into the root of your OneDrive, does odrive still have issues downloading it?
What about if you upload a new file into the folder that has these issues?

I am trying to figure out if it is the type of file, or if its something to do with the folder. If it is the file, then I should be able to reproduce this, myself, with the same file and try to get more information.

When you were downloading via the web browser, did you have to provide any confirmation of the download (like an anti-virus confirmation, for example), or did it start right after clicking on the file?

Hi Tony,

Yes, for all the downloads I tried, OneDrive first presented me an anti-virus confirmation screen. I have just tried this with other files, outside of the “Not Allowed” list, and there was no such confirmation. Could this be it, what could be done?

Thanks in advance!


Hi @diogobarreto,
I think this is probably what is causing it. There were some issues with this a while ago that were supposed to be fixed by Microsoft, but it looks like it is not completely addressed. We will need to look into how to work around this.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

No problem Tony, thanks for following-up on this. Let me know when things are normal or if you need me to test something.



Will do @diogobarreto. Thanks for your patience.

Hi Tony, any update on this? I have talked with MS Onedrive’s support and found out that all these files have a “security” flag. If I upload them again, “unblocking” them, then they download correctly. I have no idea how these files got flagged in the first place (apparently some Onedrive glitch). Ideally, odrive could “skip” this clearance.

Here is the file property screen, note the unblock option below:

Thanks again,

Hi @diogobarreto,
There hasn’t been any change on our end for this. Did OneDrive support say the only way to clear this flag was to re-upload the files?

How many files is this affecting for you?