Whenever I try to add a WebDAV server, it gives me “A required field is missing”, despite having filled up all the fields.
Hi @ruifung,
This is strange. I’ll PM you so you can send me a screenshot of the link setup window. It’s possible there is some combination there that is causing a problem.
I’m having the same issue with a nextcloud setup I just completed. Did we have any resolution to this problem?
Not really, no. In my case it looked like the WebDAV server used in Webmin wasn’t properly responding. (?)
@Tony Any chance you can look inside my issue? I’m having the same problem that ruifung had.
Whenever I try to add a WebDAV server, it gives me “A required field is missing”, despite having filled up all the fields.
I just installed my own nextcloud setup and I can’t connect to it with odrive but their provided client works fine.
Hi @dullin,
The error message is probably incorrect. The complication with WebDAV is that the various implementations of it tend to differ. If you can create a test account for me I can take a look and see where the connection is failing. You can PM the details to me if/when you are able to do so.
I created the account and sent you a PM with the login details.
Thanks again
Hi @dullin,
I got a chance to test and sent you the results via PM. The short of it is the server is sending back a 500 response (internal server error). If you can look at the server logs it would help to understand what is happening.