Trash Bin Files Increase

The Trash Bin files continue to increase. Now it’s in the thousands. What can I do to stop this?
I do not recognize these file names.

Hi @frankamoros,
In your other post you mentioned syncing your Photos library. If you are actively using it, or Photo is open, it is probably creating cache files that end up being created and deleted over time. This is most likely what is happening.

If you click on one of the files you do not recognize in the trash, it will op a window that shows the path to that file. What is the path?

I see the path and it is in the Photos Library.

Earlier today I deleted the photo library file by unsyncing from Amazon and then I synced it again until it was back.

Throughout the day the trash bin rose to 3,000+ files. Then I saw it go down to about 800. Then, when I wrote this original post it was at 3k+ again. AS I write this post, the trash bin files are at 1,230 and decreasing.

I will continue to monitor this.

Hi @frankamoros,
See my post in your other thread: Unsync Photos Library.photoslibrary BUT keep file locally