Hi, at our agency, we have a folder synced with Google Drive and we’re experiencing a few problems.
At this time, is very common that when a user uploads a file to Google Drive, it syncs only a “.cloud” shortcut on our local server. And, when I click the file, I get the error “This file is not inside an odrive folder.”.
Just to update:
I’ve noted a strange pattern: ALL the files and folders not synced on our server, are between 23/mar and 31/mar. Is when expired our trial version of odrive (than we bought the license). Is that the problem? How can we sync those “old files” again?
Update: some new files are not syncing too. The same user. No pattern
Hi @fatordigital,
Can you describe the environment a bit more for me?
How many systems are running odrive?
Is it just one system that is experiencing issues?
Can you please send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu on the system having issues and also provide the full path for the items that are not syncing properly?
Just one. A windows server with odrive client installed and running, syncing with one odrive folder (Google Drive)
Is it just one system that is experiencing issues?
Is the only one
Can you please send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu on the system having issues and also provide the full path for the items that are not syncing properly?
I’ve just sent the diagnostics. Below, a few items with problems (folders converted to a “.cloudf” file and files converted on a “.cloud” file)
X:\Famaqui\Produzidos\Gráfico-Impresso\Banners Marco Estratégico.cloudf (is a folder on Google Drive)
Hi @fatordigital,
After taking a look, I think the issue is that you had some “sync to odrive” folders defined previously (for X: drive) when in the Premium trial. When the trial expired those relationships were removed and will need to be recreated.
To recreate those, you will want to right-click on the local folders that were previously setup and select “sync to odrive”. You will then select the corresponding remote folder. Make sure you are selecting the correct folders so that the relationship is created properly.