Third Google Drive account delete problem

Hi, I have a problem with the Odrive Windows software with Google Drive.

I’m using Odrive in my office. And my computer has 3 different Window’s accounts. Odrive is running in all of them. But when I’m using my account, Odrive moves all files and folders to the trash bin from my personal Google Drive. I tried to recover 2 times. The other 2 Google Drive’s accounts doesn’t have this problem.

I didn’t do any operations with that Google Drive account, I just move the Odrive folder to the D:.

Please, could you help me? :slight_smile:

Hi @lehneman,
Can you reproduce the behavior and then send a diagnostic from the odrive menu? I will take a look.

Can you also take a screenshot of the root of odrive, as it appears in the web client? (

Thanks for the answer.

I can’t send the info because I reinstall it and, till now, It is working fine. :slight_smile:

Once again, Thanks! :grinning:

And good work! It’s a greeeeeeaaaaattttte app! :smile:

Great! Thanks for the update.

Good Morning,

Well, It came back again. It happened when I changed between Windows accounts. When I changed between my job and personal’s account. The software moved to trash only my personal Google’s Drive account (named Google) in both accounts. I already sent the diagnostic and I’m sending now the screenshots. :sweat:

It was all normal until I changed Windows accounts.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

PS.: Have It a way to select all files in trash and recover them all? :grinning:

Hi @lehneman,
Would you be able to give me some step-by-step instructions for reproducing this? I do not quite understand the scenario.

It sounds like you are using two separate Windows users but those users are sharing the same odrive folder? If so, this isn’t a configuration we test or officially support because it can lead to some unexpected behavior as the two sync engines act on the folder. Are you performing fast-user switching, where the applications are still running for each user, or are you performing a full logout?

As for recovery, if you still see the “Google Drive” folder, you can unsync it, which will negate the deletes. You can also delete the Google Drive folder, and then restore that, which will also negate all of the rest of the deletes.

Ok. I will try. I guess that I know how the problem works.

I install odrive in a computer with 3 windows accounts. 2 admins and 1 user accounts. Then I set each one up differently. Like this:

user account:

  • Google Drive 1
  • OneDrive 1

admin account 1:

  • Google Drive 1
  • Google Drive 2
  • OneDrive 2

admin account 2:

  • Google Drive 1
  • Google Drive 2
  • Google Drive 3
  • OneDrive 3

Each windows account have a separate odrive directory (odrive 1, odrive 2 and odrive 3). They rest in the documents of each account. They are not sharing the same folder.

And all started when I did a fast-user switching between admin account 1 and 2. And It only screwed up in that accounts.

I don’t try the recover, but I will and I will post the results.

If You need more info, just ask! :slight_smile:

Thank for the reply! :grinning:

Hi @lehneman,
Thanks for the follow-up. I no longer have access to the diagnostic data, since we only retain it for a few days, but I thought I saw that the odrive folder was on a D: drive when I looked before. If each user has their own odrive folder then this shouldn’t be happening as there is no relationship between them.

I may be misunderstanding, however. With the configuration you list above, you still see the issue when you use fast user switching between two accounts?

Yes. In the beginning, only the destination account was affected, but then it happened to the origin account as well. That is, if I moved from account admin 1 to admin 2, only admin 1 account was affected. Now it’s happening with admin 1 and then it shows up in admin 2. :confused:

I can send the file again. :slight_smile:

Hi @lehneman,
Yes. Please send a diagnostic from each account so I can take a look. If you are able to reproduce the effect and then send, that would be even better. If the accounts are all separate this shouldn’t be happening.