Terabox implementation

Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to implement https://www.terabox.com/?

Hi @meulencv,
Terabox doesn’t seem to have an API or any compatible interface (FTP, SFTP, WebDAV) to integrate with, so it isn’t possible, currently.

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thanks for all the information :grinning:

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Hi, understand someone has asked for terabox implementation in Dec 21 and the response is lack of API. I noticed today that Air Explorer supports Terabox. I do not know the technology behind it but can you please let me know if you are able to look into it? Thanks

Hi @jason.lim,
I can’t find any official API documentation for Terabox. I’m not sure how Air Explorer is doing it, but maybe they are using some sort of unofficial implementation…?

Hi Tony, I doubt Air Explorer is using unofficial integration with Terabox. They have very impressive list of cloud integration including Digiboxx.

Thanks for sharing insights about Terabox implementation! I’ve been using terabox premium from, and it’s amazing how the premium unlocked features make managing large files so convenient. It would be great to see how it compares to other cloud solutions like Odrive regarding ease of integration.

I have recently implemented the tera downloader and it is working fine so far. Will keep you updated about it.