Sync Issue Error updating -Error accessing

Hi there,

PFB sync issue. Could you please check and let me know. How to fix.


Hi @ravi,
This looks like a permissions issue. Could this be related to your other post regarding Avast? Does this issue go away if Avast is uninstalled?

If not, can you send a diagnostic from the odrive menu?

This not related to other one. This pc does not have Avast Installed yet.

Hi @ravi,
Were you able to send a diagnostic from the odrive menu for this?

Can you also run me through the steps you are taking that are leading to this error?

@Tony thanks ! This has been fixed now. :slight_smile:

Hi @ravi,
What ended up being the issue on this one?

@Tony We didn’t do some techie stuff. We just started and then it started working.

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