Sync Agent RPI Urllib3-Error

Hi @jedhassell,
There aren’t any plan to open source, at this time. I have tentative confirmation that the build can be worked on next week, though. My sincere apologies for the delay.

Update: I’m now using Grive. Has downloaded a folder with content at least once, but I didn’t do enough testing to confirm that it fully works.

Any updates or anyway I can help on this issue? I have the exact same error on my raspberry pi as well.


Can some folks on this thread try this build and verify that it works for them?

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Fantastic, this works!
I did the standard download install, then moved the original odriveagent to odriveagent_orig.
Then copied in this one and ran: nohup "$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/odriveagent" and the log file was empty (good).

I then ran the official way (dropping the output to /dev/null) and did a
python .odrive-agent/bin/ status.
All is well!

Thank you very much for the work on this one.

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Thanks for the feedback @chris16!

An official build has been released for download now too:

after running the directions here i am getting this error:

ERROR:root:code for hash md5 was not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/hudson/workspace/Odrive_RPi_Agent/deploy/output/artifacts/build/odriveagent/LinuxOdriveAgent/out00-PYZ.pyz/hashlib", line 147, in <module>
  File "/home/pi/hudson/workspace/Odrive_RPi_Agent/deploy/output/artifacts/build/odriveagent/LinuxOdriveAgent/out00-PYZ.pyz/hashlib", line 97, in __get_builtin_constructor
ValueError: unsupported hash type md5

Hi @jedhassell,
Can you provide the details for your environment?

  1. What distribution and version?
  2. Which version of the agent was downloaded?
  3. What is the command you ran to receive this error?

Hi Tony,

I was able to use @chris16 instructions to get it working. I synced my root folder but now I am seeing ~5k random folders with UUID named files inside. What the heck is this? See for an example. Are any of my other valid folders at risk of being deleted? Can I safely delete these random folders?

Hi @jedhassell,
Can you provide some information on what you are syncing?

What is the storage type and what does it look like when you view it from the odrive web client or the storage’s own web client?

The image looks like a Finder view of your files, but I know you were doing this on a RPi. Can you explain what I’m looking at in that picture?

Hi @Tony,

Sure. This is a view from my Mac which is also running the mac sync client. I am trying to create a backup of my files on my Pi. I am mainly storing ~1tb of jpg and cr2 images. There are around 50mb of documents but nothing that resembles these folders in the image. I am storing these on Amazon Drive and the folders have been synce to Amazon drive. My original folders with my data are still in tact it appears so that’s a relief. I’m just not sure where all of these ~5k folders came from.

Hi @jedhassell,
Since this is Amazon Drive, take a look at this post here. It may be what you are seeing: Mysterious unknown files/folders under root Amazon Drive folder

Also, to clarify, the current release of agent for RPi on our download page didn’t work, but the test binary I posted above did?

Hi @Tony,

Also, to clarify, the current release of agent for RPi on our download page didn’t work, but the test binary I posted above did?
Yes, the general instructions did not work but swapping out that binary fixed it.

Also, thanks for the link! I’ll check it out.

Thanks @jedhassell!

I realized I had an issue in the tar of the last version, so when it extracted in the automated fashion it was carrying a path, and would be put in the wrong place. I have corrected this so that the official version should work as expected.

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