Some files don't sync from Google Drive

I have odrive linked to my Google Drive. When I go directly to, I see all my files in all my folders. However, when I go to odrive on my hard drive, I see all my folders and most of my files; there are some random files that are not there, though. Neither the file nor the placeholder are there. It’s simply missing.

I’ve tried a few things, but all have been unsuccessful. I right clicked on odrive in Windows Explorer and clicked “sync,” but the files did not appear: I synced on the main parent folder and then when that didn’t work, I also synced just one of the individual sub-folders that contained missing files but this didn’t work either. I have also tried going online to I see the missing files there, but they are not on my hard drive.

How can I get those files from Google Drive to sync to my hard drive?

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.


Hi Sarah,
It is possible that the issue is illegal characters, which prevent them being shown in the File Browser.

Can you go to the odrive web client: and navigate into the area where the files are failing to show up on the desktop and take a screenshot of those listed files for me?


Here is a screen shot a folder showing 7 files and 1 sub-folder on

Here is a screen shot of this same folder in Windows Explorer. Notice that only 3 (out of 7) of the files are showing up on the hard drive.

Thanks @sarahbaenen,
Can you do one more thing for me?

  • Right-click->odrive refresh the “Socratic Circles” folder on your desktop and then submite a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu.


I just refreshed the folder and sent you the diagnostics.


Thanks. We are taking a look now

Hi Sarah,
It appears that the missing files, along with many others, are in the odrive trash currently.

The odrive trash is a holding area for local deletes. It allows files to be restored before the deletes are sent to the cloud. In this case there are lots and lots of files.

Did you perform any delete operations that would account for this? If not then we will want to dig into this a bit more.

For now, if you want to “reset” your view and not commit those deletes to the cloud (essentially restoring all items), you can unsync the “BAENEN (School) Google Drive” folder and then re-sync it.

Hi Tony,

Yesterday I did a batch conversion of files from .DOC to .DOCX. The conversion automatically deleted the old (.DOC) file but kept the new (.DOCX) version. This would account for the large number of files in the trash. This conversion process worked fine - all the new .DOCX files are in place on and on I wonder why some random .DOCX files (the new files I created) were put into the odrive trash on my hard drive.

I don’t think I want to “reset” my view. That would restore the hundreds of old .DOC files and it would take forever to go through and manually delete them.

Could I uninstall odrive on my computer and reinstall?


Okay. At least that explains the thousands of items in the odrive trash.

Is your expectation that all .doc files in “BAENEN (School) Google Drive” should be deleted?
If so, we can probably restore the files then script something simple to delete only the .doc files in there. Might be the safest way to move forward.

You are correct. The .DOC files can be deleted. I want to keep only the missing .DOCX files.


Okay. This one-liner script will expand all folders in ‘BAENEN (School) Google Drive’ and then delete any .doc files that are inside. This will leave everything else intact.

In order to use this you will want to:

  • Right-click->unsync ‘BAENEN (School) Google Drive’
  • Double-click on ‘BAENEN (School) Google Drive.cloudf’ to expand it again (turn it from .cloudf to an actual folder).
  • Open up a command prompt (type ‘cmd’ into the windows taskbar search or start menu)
  • Copy and paste the following line into the command prompt and hit enter:

powershell -command "& {$syncpath=\"$HOME\odrive\BAENEN (School) Google Drive\";$delfilepat=\"*\";$o=\"$HOME\.odrive\common\";$syncbin=\"$HOME\.odrive\common\odrive.exe\";(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\"\", \"$o\\");$shl=new-object -com shell.application; $shl.namespace(\"$o\").copyhere($shl.namespace(\"$o\\").items(),0x10);del \"$o\\";while ((Get-ChildItem $syncpath -Filter \"*.cloudf\" -Recurse | Measure-Object).Count) {Get-ChildItem -File -Path \"$syncpath\" -Filter \"*.cloudf\" -Recurse | % {$SyncOutput = & \"$syncbin\" \"sync\" \"$($_.FullName)\" 2>&1;echo "Expanded: $SyncOutput`n";} };Get-ChildItem -File -Path \"$syncpath\" -Filter \"$delfilepat\" -Recurse | % {$DelOutput = & remove-item -Verbose \"$($_.FullName)\"} 2>&1;echo "$DelOutput`n";}"

Since this is Google Drive, you may hit some rate limit exceptions, where they prevent too many actions within a certain period. If so you can just run the command again when it finishes to pick up the remaining things.

Please let me know if you have any questions before running this.


I completed the steps you described, and it worked perfectly! Thank you so much for your prompt assistance. I will definitely be recommending odrive to others based on your customer service.

Thanks again!

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Great! Glad things are back on track for you.