Hi @sturakov,
Can you take a quick screenshot of the error you are seeing?
I had worked with a user previously on connecting to rsync.net. That user had created a test user for me to use and this was the link information that I used to successfully link and sync:
Name: rsync.net
Type: Internet Accessible SFTP Server
Host: [test username].rsync.net
Start Path: /data1/home/[owner username]/[test username]
Max Concurrent Connections: 3
My previous test wasn’t with a key pair. It should work fine, but it is hard to say with linking errors. Is there any chance you could get me a test account? If I had an account to test with I should be able to debug the issue pretty quickly.
If you are comfortable with it, you can send it to me via a direct message here (click on my name and then click “Message”). I will delete the information once I have it.
Marking this as resolved, thanks to Tony’s investigation.
Issue was
I was using my account password instead of storage password
The path did help
When I was testing my storage password, I had to switch between the keyfile form and password form.
Cleaned out the previous text in keyfile form, used just the password form, and that did it.