Refresh Subscription?

Just looking for the official definition of what this is/does. I can’t find it mentioned in the documentation nor on these forums…at least not when I search those 2 words together anyway, but it does exist in the client’s right/alt click context menu. Thanks.

Hi @p_ingram3541,
Can you take a screenshot of what you are seeing, when you get a chance, so I can make sure I understand clearly?

There is a feature right there, please see screenshot:

it is obvious that p_ingram3541 is asking what it doest

Hi @anwrestler and @p_ingram3541,
My apologies. I was confused by the right-click context menu description, and I thought you might be seeing this in the Finder/Explorer extension context menu.

This is just a way for the client to re-check the account subscriptions. An example would be when a user has purchased a subscription, but the client hasn’t “seen” it yet. You can force a refresh to make sure the client is aware on the new subscriptions.