I am getting the following error when trying to sync a file:
H:\drOneDriveLocal\music\Rhythm & Notes with music from The Music Class\Pre-K-KB\06 Rhythm & Notes with music from The Music Class - The Old Grey Cat (Roby Sayer, Frank & Mary Hamilton, Eileen Benator, Renee Roscoe-Morrison, Carol Borowiec).mp3
The length of the filename exceeds Microsoft OneDrive’s maximum limit.
Based on https://support.office.com/en-us/article/invalid-file-names-and-file-types-in-onedrive-onedrive-for-business-and-sharepoint-64883a5d-228e-48f5-b3d2-eb39e07630fa#filenamepathlengths, the maximum limit is 400 characters.
When I take that path and run the following on a Linux box, I get 245 characters:
echo “H:\drOneDriveLocal\music\Rhythm & Notes with music from The Music Class\Pre-K-KB\06 Rhythm & Notes with music from The Music Class - The Old Grey Cat (Roby Sayer, Frank & Mary Hamilton, Eileen Benator, Renee Roscoe-Morrison, Carol Borowiec).mp3” | wc -m
Finally, I am able to copy the file and paste it into my OneDrive folder on my computer without issues. This tells me that the file is within the limit.