"Please check your network connection or manage your proxy settings" for some links

I have an Amazon Cloud Drive and OneDrive synced to my computer. I have no issues navigating through amazon cloud drive in windows explorer. However, when I try to work with OneDrive data, I get the following message:
Please check your network connection or manage your proxy settings.

I’m wondering why Amazon Cloud is working just fine, but not OneDrive.


Have you tried this at different places (home vs office).

That error message comes up because odrive is not able to connect to OneDrive. It is unable to make any connection.

Are you using OneDrive for business?

I’m not using OneDrive for business. And it does work from home but not from work.
OneDrive must be blocked by our corporate firewall. Amazon and Dropbox aren’t, so I’ll just use those.

Thanks for such a quick response.



I’m having the same kind of problem here. I am trying odrive as a way to continue using a personal OneDrive account despite my business laptop being locked for this.

I synced a Google Drive account, which works fine even through my company’s network ; but the OneDrive account isn’t able to sync (I keep having the "Unable to sync ‘folder’.cloudf. Please check your network connection or manage your proxy settings.). Nevertheless it worked with a personal network, which tells me that I just need to adjust my proxy settings to authorize odrive to connect to Onedrive.

Is there something I can do, with or (preferably) without the help of my network administrator ?


Are you able to access https://api.onedrive.com/ from your browser?

Do you know if you use a proxy at work?

I have this exact same problem. Sometimes it works, and sometimes its giving me this exact same error message. Im using it from home and have just installed odrive as a solution to sync amazon drive.

Are you seeing it give you this error intermittently, one moment to the next, or is it a sustained period of time?

Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu?


Hi Tony,

It works now. Yesterday it worked sometimes and sometimes it didn’t. I just sent the diagnostics. I am using Amazon Drive, right click a directory -> sync to odrive. I then choose ‘Amazon Cloud Drive’. Again, I just synced something and it worked fine. But sometimes when i click the amazon drive folder through the web lay out it takes a long time to load and sometimes it doesn’t work at all.

The next time you see it happen, please send a diagnostic and ping this thread.


Thanks Tony. I didn’t see the error anymore but I’ll let you know when it does appear. I do have another question though. I’m still getting the hang of odrive and I am trying to utilize it in my workflow. My question:

When I sync a whole folder to Amazon drive, why does it put all the files separate? And not with the actual folder? It’s very messy. For example: I have a folder called 'photo’s with my .jpg photos in it. When I select that folder to sync with odrive to my Amazon drive, it syncs the folder but puts all the files in the root. Why doesn’t it sync the folder correctly putting all the files in the ‘photos’ folder on the Amazon Drive?

Hi @albert.dros,
The “sync to odrive” mapping is very explicit. This means that you would need to select the “Photos” folder in Amazon as your target for your local Photos folder. If you selected the root of Amazon Drive as the target, then the contents of your local Photos folder will be synced directly to the root of Amazon Drive.

You can think of the “sync to odrive” mapping as “where do you want to sync the contents of this folder”

Does that make sense?

I’m seeing the proxy error all the time. How do I fix it? Thanks.

Hi guys,

You can add this features using an extra tool like Proxycap.
But odrive really needs to include this feature in its build.

Any upgrade of odrive to support this future built in ?

Odrive sounds like being non-maintained…

Not yet @litemails. Apologies for the inconvenience.