Hi @william.melatini,
This is strange behavior. How long does it take for the extension to become checked again after unchecking it?
It should stay like this once you uncheck it:
If you close all of your Finder windows and relaunch Finder (To do this: Hold the ⌥ (alt/option) + right click on the Finder icon in your dock -> Relaunch) does the CPU remain high?
Do you have any other Finder extensions loaded? If so, can you unload (uncheck) those and see if the behavior changes?
odrive finder extension is always present in Activity Monitor with 10%/12% of cpu usage. I haven’t problem with OSX Tab Extension where it reamain always checked.
After Finder Re-lunch on Acativity Monitor “odrive finder extension” reaper immediatly with same cpu usage (about 12%) also if odrive app isn’t active.
This should get rid of that troublesome Finder extension that is causing high CPU. I want to make sure these steps can be performed and the extension is killed before we do more testing.
Can you also tell me if you have any other Finder extensions installed? Are there any more extensions listed besides the odrive extension in the Extensions screen?
if i uncheck odrive finder extension from system settings and reluch finder, from task monitor i haven’t cpu problem. But without finder extension actived i can use odrive in the same way?
Basic odrive functionality will work without the Finder extension.
odrive will still automatically sync your locally-changed files, update remotely changed files if you have them synced locally, download files when you double-click them, expand folders when you double-click them, etc. You will not be able to right-click->sync a folder or perform the other right-click actions and you will not see sync badges.
Are there any other extensions listed besides the odrive extension in the Extensions screen?
Hi @william.melatini,
Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce the type of behavior you are seeing here. It seems like it may be something specific to your environment that is causing this, but I don’t know what that could be.
Can you take a screenshot of your extension window (like the one below), and post here so I can make sure it looks correct?
I don’t know if it will help this particular issue, but I am just looking at things that are different between our machines here and yours. Our High Sierra machines are running 10.13.6 and not exhibiting this behavior.
Hello - I have been getting this issue on the 10.15 beta - I thought it was specific to 10.15 as it doesn’t happen on my 10.14 laptop (and didn’t before I upgraded), but after seeing this maybe not. I see many odrive finder extensions processes each taking up around 10% CPU. If I uncheck the extension and relaunch Finder it goes away but it turns itself back on again after a day or so. The longer the extension is running the worse it gets. It’d be great to be able to use the extensions again, or at least to be able to turn the extension of once until it’s fixed.
Hey Tony, thanks for your response. Yes, when I check the extension back on it does have high CPU activity, the screen from my last post was after I re-enabled it.
To be clear here are my steps to reproduce:
Boot machine.
Machine has high CPU activity and 7 FinderSyncExtension processes (causing that load)
Uncheck extension
Relaunch Finder
Wait for a minute or two
Machine has low CPU activity and 0 FinderSyncExtension processes
Check extension
Relaunch Finder
Wait for a minute or two
Machine has high CPU activity and 4 FinderSyncExtension processes
I have the following attached to odrive:
Amazon Cloud Drive
Google Drive
My odrive folder currently has 2206 files and 628 folders, but there are a lot of .cloudf files that I don’t have synched to my machine so there are a lot more than that on the cloud storage in total. I can probably work that out if it helps.
The high load issue doesn’t seem to occur on my Mac laptop running 10.14, it has 3 FinderSyncExtension processes none with high activity. I’m using 6535 on both machines. I’m thinking it’s something about my machine as the config should be the same for both machines.
If you think it might have something to do with the config, I could remove it from my machine, then make a trial account and see if the issue still occurs, would that be helpful?
Odrive is awesome, so I’d be happy to do anything I can to help get this resolved.
Thanks Tony - unfortunately the load is about the same with the new build (6537). Both in 6535 and 6537 quitting odrive using the menu doesn’t appear to affect the FinderSyncExtension processes CPU usage. I’m happy to profile a debug build if the devs want to see where the high CPU usage is coming from. Here’s a screen from profiling the FinderSyncExtension process in 6537 that the devs might be interested in.
No network drives, I do have a bunch of external drives connected though so I disconnected them to see if it made a difference but the activity didn’t change. I ran a profile on system calls and indeed the stats are taking a long time, but only with the FinderSyncExtension processes.