When I first found out about odrive, I was blown away. The free trial made it seem like it would work perfectly for me, and it did. But I didn’t realize how expensive the paid plan was. The only thing I need it to do is to sync automatically. Currently, if I forget to sync changes that I made on my desktop onto my laptop before leaving the office, I’m stuck without them unless I find a hotspot.
I don’t know if this functionality alone is worth $8.50/month. I’d be willing to pay maybe $2 per month, since all it’s doing is telling the app to sync changes when they’re detected.
Don’t get me wrong, I love this app/service so far, but I think it’s got a bit to go before someone like me with a limited income can justify paying $8.50/month just for the ability to sync OneDrive and Amazon Cloud using one application.
Like I said, I love the service but it’s currently getting in the way of my work and I can’t justify spending so much on it. I hope you guys keep improving it, my secondary device is a Surface Pro 4 and odrive looks pretty bad on it because of the HDPI. I’m sure I’ll be back soon, maybe when I graduate from college next year.