Manually limit number of connections to Amazon storage?

Is it/could it be possible to manually set the number of connections to Amazon? At the moment the client creates around 10 connections at a time and when I am uploading several large files I end up with loads going to “Waiting” when there is a connection issue. In my case it would be much better if I could limit the number of connections to 2/3.

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This would be great for me also. Here in Brazil we have a shitty internet connection and when odrive creates a lot of connections to Amazon Cloud Drive many files get stuck and try many times to upload and this use a lot of bandwidth for just one single file.

It is not currently possible to specify a limit, but we are working on enhancements in this area for our next major release, which should be in a few months. It will include much better control over upload/download concurrency.

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It’s possible to limit the number of connections if your using Linux via it’s firewall. Can’t speak for Windows / OSX systems.

This could break odrive but it shouldn’t, additional connections would have to wait till previous connections close.

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