MacOS 11 Big Sur compatibility


Sorry if I have missed this in a previous announcement but can you please confirm that odrive will shortly be updated for full compatibility with Big Sur (scheduled to be released tomorrow).

I have been running the Big Sur beta for a while, and odrive crashes out periodically, needing me to re-open and re-initialise the app multiple times per day.

I have v6872 installed.



Hi @john1,
Thanks for reporting this.

Can you check if there are any odrive crash reports?

You can find them in the “User Diagnostic Reports” section of the Console.
Type console into Spotlight to find and open the console.

If you find any ‘odrive’ crash reports can you post them here?

Hi Tony,

Yep I have a number of crash reports. Here is the latest one attached.


Johnodrive crash 11 11 2020 1654.txt (302.0 KB)

Thanks @john1!
Can you send along a few others, as well? I just want to make sure it is always the same thing that is causing the problem.

Sure here they are

2.txt (358.3 KB) 3.txt (363.4 KB) [4.txt|attachment]

4.txt (353.8 KB) 5.txt (355.2 KB)

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Hi @john1,
When you get a chance, can you try this build?

We haven’t been able to reproduce the crash yet, but we did correct a couple of spots that may have been contributing. If you are still seeing it happen in this build, any information you could give on potential triggers (if possible) will help.


Thanks Tony, I’ll try it now and let you know. J

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That build seems to be working @Tony - running solid all day now, thanks.

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Thanks for the update @john1!

Hopefully it will hold, but just let me know if it doesn’t.

We officially released these changes today: