Linked Cloud Accounts Are Not Showing in My Odrive Folder

What could be the reason for difference in size of my local folder and cloud folder?

My local folder is giving me 200+GB (which I remebered was 500+ GB when checked when I synced all from Amazon Drive) while the synced cloud folder on Google Drive is giving 600+ GB.

Unfortunately, Amazon Drive where I synced the folder from is not showing the size of the folder which could have helped my confirmation.

Hi @awoobforknowledge,
I can’t know for sure, since I don’t know all of the actions that have been taken.

My initial guess would be that there are some folders on your local system that have been unsynced, which reduced the amount of space taken on the local disk. Does the local folder have any placeholders in it? (.cloudf or .cloud)

Another guess would be: if this is the same disk that was previously having corruption errors, then this is another manifestation of that.

No. It doesn’t have any of the extensions.

Okay. I will try to manage and finish downloading/uploading my files/folders and then format the disk afterward by God’s Grace.

Is anything showing-up in the odrive trash? As long as you make sure to not empty the trash, even if data becomes inaccessible on the disk, it won’t be sent up to Google, at least.

What about in the Windows Recycle Bin?

You could also try an app like WinDirStat or TreeSize to check the size of the folder to see if it shows something different than what Explorer is showing.


No files/folders from the folder being talked about is there.

Okay. I will try the suggested apps and see how it goes.

Thanks a lot.

After installing the TreeSize, I believe the 200+GB size is the correct size. Those other wrong sizes might be from Windows Explorer (Properties) error.

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