My laptop has 2
internal drives. The 2nd internal drive is dedicated to Odrive, that’s where I have paced the Odrive folder instead of the default location). Essentially all my Online accounts are mirrored and all files synced to this 2nd internal drive.
I am considering encrypting my 2nd drive which contains the Odrive folder, which I assume would not have any effect on Odrive. However, my concern comes if I cannot unlock the encyrpted drive immediately after boot. How does Odrive handle this situation because the Odrive folder would not yet be seen by the Odrive app. This would be similar if I decided to remove the 2nd internal drive (temporarily) or do an upgrade of the drive (copy file from old drive to a new, bigger drive and then put back in my laptop).
- Would Odrive crash and burn because the app could not find the Odrive folder, and therefore would think the folder was empty and start deleting my online files.
- Would The Odrive folder revert back to the default location of Odrive (under the User), and then start to delete my online files because this new location would be empty and therefore Odrive would start syncing and start to delete the online files.
Or, - Would it just sit and wait patiently until the “missing” drive is unlocked/replaced and not do a thing with the online or local files.