Installer stuck at "initializing"

I tried unpacking it with wix dark -x, and running the msi Same result.

C:\Users\Joseph Stavitsky\AppData\Local\Temp>type odrive_20160729023900.log
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:38:59]i001: Burn v3.8.1128.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600
: Service Pack 0), path: G:\odrivesync.5453.exe, cmdline: ‘’
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleLog’ to
value ‘C:\Users\JOSEPH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\odrive_20160729023900.log’
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleOriginal
Source’ to value ‘G:\odrivesync.5453.exe’
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleName’ to
value ‘odrive’
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i100: Detect begin, 3 packages
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i000: Setting string variable ‘Net4x64FullVersio
n’ to value ‘4.6.01055’
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i000: Setting string variable 'Net4FullVersion’
to value ‘4.6.01055’
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i052: Condition ‘Net4FullVersion AND (NOT Versio
nNT64 OR Net4x64FullVersion)’ evaluates to true.
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i101: Detected package: Net4Full, state: Present
, cached: None
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i101: Detected package: Odrive_x86.exe, state: A
bsent, cached: None
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i101: Detected package: Odrive_x64.exe, state: A
bsent, cached: None
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i052: Condition ‘VersionNT >= v6.1’ evaluates to
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:00]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[21B0:1CE8][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i000: Setting numeric variable ‘EulaAcceptCheckb
ox’ to value 1
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i200: Plan begin, 3 packages, action: Install
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i052: Condition ‘NOT (Net4FullVersion OR Net4x64
FullVersion)’ evaluates to false.
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]w321: Skipping dependency registration on packag
e with no dependency providers: Net4Full
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i052: Condition ‘NOT VersionNT64’ evaluates to f
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i052: Condition ‘VersionNT64’ evaluates to true.

[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleRollback
Log_Odrive_x64.exe’ to value ‘C:\Users\JOSEPH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\odrive_201607
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i000: Setting string variable ‘WixBundleLog_Odri
ve_x64.exe’ to value ‘C:\Users\JOSEPH~1\AppData\Local\Temp\odrive_20160729023900
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i201: Planned package: Net4Full, state: Present,
default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: None,
cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i201: Planned package: Odrive_x86.exe, state: Ab
sent, default requested: Absent, ba requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback:
None, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: None
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i201: Planned package: Odrive_x64.exe, state: Ab
sent, default requested: Present, ba requested: Present, execute: Install, rollb
ack: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i299: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[21B0:0B64][2016-07-29T02:39:06]i300: Apply begin
[1D60:1ED4][2016-07-29T02:39:11]i360: Creating a system restore point.

Are you running any anti-virus software? There have been cases where anti-virus software can halt the install at this point.

Other than Windows Defender? No.

Darn. I don’t think Windows Defender has been known to cause this. Other than anti-virus interfering, I haven’t seen this happen before. It appears to be hanging at the point it wants to create a restore point. You could try turning off system restore, temporarily, to see if it gets any farther.

Other than that I will need to do some searching to see what could cause this.

Will check tomorrow, thank you

In fact, it seems all wix installs do this. Sadness!

To be clear, you are seeing this other product installers, as well? Did disabling system restore have any impact?

Yes, other product installers do this. No, disabling system restore had no impact. Soon I will try manually creating a restore point.


I have this same problem. Did you find a solution?

Jose Luis Marín

Hi @jlmarin,
Unfortunately there was never a clear answer for why this happens. We had users in the past say that the following has helped:

  • Restarting the computer and then attempting install again before opening any other applications (try this first)
  • Temporarily disabling system restores
  • Creating a manual system restore point before the install

Hi @jlmarin,
Were you able to try any of the suggestions above? If so, did any work for you?