Hi @brendhangivens,
The diagnostic only shows a small time window, unfortunately, so I can only see what has recently occurred, similar to the “current_odrive_status.txt” file that is generated.
What I can see is that these two “sync to odrive” mounts are setup to point to the Wasabi-odrive2 bucket and that there was an attempt to change these to the Wasabi-Xoran1 bucket, but that change was not completed because of the conflict with the existing setup.
What I infer from this is that odrive still thinks that these two mounts are connected to the old bucket (Wasabi-odrive2) and are looking for their corresponding remote folders in that Wasabi bucket. If the remote mount no longer exists, the mounts end up in a “limbo” state. This is why you see the placeholder (unscyned) files in there and errors on the “sync to odrive” mounts in the odrive menu. The placeholder files you see in the local folders represent the remote files and folders odrive last saw before the remote mount point disappeared. odrive is basically waiting for the issue to be corrected (the remote mount to show up again).
I have a backup of the folders. I’d like to put the backup back to the same file location. How do I fix the problem when i put the files back? I’d like it to unsync and save the data remotely.
Hi @brendhangivens,
Let’s try removing those sync mounts, first.
Rename D:/xoran/segmentation to D:/xoran/segmentation-bak and D:/xoran/weird_ring to D:/xoran/weird_ring-bak.
After doing this, go to the odrive menu and click on those two mounts listed. A dialog should come up that has an option to “Remove Sync”. Select that option for both and let me know if those listings disappear from the odrive menu. If so, we can continue to the next step.
Hi @brendhangivens,
It is the same menu you use to send the diagnostics. In the menu you will see “Sync to odrive”. It is just above the “Authorized User” menu entry.
Hi @brendhangivens,
You should see a window pop-up that will look like this:
I wanted this window to pop-up so that we could “Remove Sync” on them.
It is strange that you are not seeing anything. Can you make sure that the window isn’t hiding behind another window? Try minimizing all of the windows on your desktop and see if there might be an odrive dialog box sitting in the background somewhere.
If you still don’t see it, try leaving all of your windows minimized, restart odrive, and try clicking on one of the “sync to odrive” folders that is labeled as “[missing]”.
Great! Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu and attach the current_odrive_status.txt file here, so I can take a look at the current configuration before we continue?
Exit odrive, install this version, and then send another diagnostic and “current_odrive_status.txt” file over, when you get a chance.
The configuration issue you are running into is really strange. I haven’t been able to reproduce it in house, but this new version attempts to correct it, if encountered. If this still doesn’t work then we will probably have to do a reinstall and then setup all of your folders again, unfortunately.
I am attaching current_odrive_status.zip.txt. It is a zip file. Remove the .txt extension (necessary for uploading) and unzip. The file was too big to upload as a 17 MB text file.
Hi @brendhangivens,
Okay it looks better now. Can you rename your two folders and see if you can right-click on them to “sync to odrive”. If so, try setting up the relationship again on those two folders and then send one more diagnostic. Hopefully it will work.
Hi @brendhangivens,
It looks like things are working again. I see items in D:/xoran/weird_ring/ being uploaded now and your two folders are properly listed as “sync to odrive” folders now.