Https url link to a companies 365 sharepoint site

Hi There,

As a freelancer I have a guest account on a companies 365 sharepoint.

A few days ago I have started to setup the odrive integration by adding a link to this storage in the web interface. Hence, I have chosen the option to request my access via the domain of the organization. At the very last step it is needed to ask for a companies admin approval so that the odrive app can be used.

CleanShot 2022-11-19 at 11.48.04

I have my doubts whether I will receive the admin approval in terms of the odrive app since this company has that many group regulations.

Thus, I would like to know if I could also mount in odrive an https url link to 365 sharepoint site only, such as

This would help to overcome this issue with the admin approval which I do not expect to receive.

More than happy to receive help, support and suggestions from you guys.

Best regards,

Hi @sschiller,
Thanks for reaching out.

Unfortunately there isn’t a way to add a link like that into odrive.

Hi @Tony,

Thank you very much for your reply. I guess my use case is a very common one for those who do not have full access to Sharepoint 365 when collaborating with other companies.

It would be great if you could take a closer look at this use case. Probably this could become a very useful feature enhancement for an upcoming version.

Many thanks and best regards,

Hi @sschiller,
Thanks for the follow-up.

The main issue is that our app will need some form of authentication to make API requests to the company’s storage and I don’t think there is a way around that. Even if there was, I don’t think we would want to because that would be a violation of the policies the company has set.

When you access that link, are you required to login, or is the share available to anyone that has a link to it?