I love odrive. One question - as I understand it, with the Linux CLI (and maybe all versions of odrive?) a mount does not imply synchronization. After mounting, we need to perform an additional step, odrive sync --recursive MyFolder
We can list the mounts with odrive status --mounts
But I’ve forgotten what syncs I set up within those mounts, so is there a way to list the syncs, such as odrive status --syncs ?
If you use the ‘diagnostics’ command, it will generate a diagnostic we can look at, but it will also create a local current_odrive_status.txt file that will show any rules you have setup, along with a bunch of other information.
Thank you @Tony ,
That’s very helpful. I’m not a premium user at present, though I may become one. But basic synchronizing should still work, shouldn’t it? It seems to, anyway.
I was wanting to immediately sync a folder and some subfolders. I guess it started from a lack of understanding of refresh vs sync - I was thinking that I needed to tell it to sync again. So for a while I was doing sync --recursive on subfolders of the mounts, and then thinking I’ve set up a bunch of overlapping syncs.
But it looks like it did not create more syncs, and I really just need to either wait 15-60 minutes or do a refresh of particular folders when I want a more immediate result.
Can you tell me, when it says “ProSyncFolder” does that have to do with a premium feature?
Yeah the client will scan for local changes every 20 minutes when using the Linux agent. You can force immediate refreshes by using the “refresh” command.
It sounds like you may have been trying to upload a structure, but it wasn’t picking it up right away?
ProSyncFolder is another name for a “mount”. You can create multiples with a Premium subscription.