Google drive sync slow

Is odrive experience issues with syncing to google drive. For about 3 days now, I only get 1 sync happening at a time (unlimited upload). Typically would see 4 to 8 connections. I am on a 100/40mbit connection. Also some files stop at 100% and don’t continue to the next file. I have to cancel automatic and restart it to restart the sync.

Have tried rebooting both pc and router.

Hi @shane,
You are likely seeing the concurrency cap we impose. We will upload lots of smaller files, but once a file gets above 100MB it will only transfer one at a time. It was an attempted to prevent problems on “standard” connections (typically 10-12Mbit upload), where concurrency will crush them.

This is something we are improving on, where we will allow concurrency to be tweaked so that users, such as yourself, can crank things up. We are actually improving bulk uploads, in general. Its a though nut to crack, but we’ve been focusing on it significantly for the next major release.

I’m not sure what’s happening on the stopping, though. The next time you see this can you send a diagnostic?

Hi Tony,

Diagnostic sent.


Hi @shane,
The only exceptions I am seeing are API rate limit exceptions. The diagnostic window is pretty short, but I can see that you’ve had a few uploads that have hit this and then needed to be restarted.

Since you are performing bulk upload, it could help to unsync some folder structures that you do not need access to right now. This will scale back the scope that odrive has to actively monitor and reduce the number of calls being made.