Google Drive for GSuite and Team Folders

I have linked Google Drive to my company G Suite account. I don’t see any option for enabling Team Drives (which are turned on for my G Suite Google Drive account).

How do I get oDrive Desktop to sync my Team Drives? Is there a setting I am missing?

Hi @dmcichy,
There should be a “Team Drives” folder in the root of the Google Drive link.

Do you see a “Team Drives” folder listed on the odrive web client?

The odrive desktop client performs an initial check for any Google Team Drives when it starts-up. If you didn’t have any Team Drives at that time then the Team Drive folder won’t be shown.

If Team Drive is new to your account, try restarting odrive to see if the Team Drives folder shows up.

I just added another G Suite Google Drive account to ODRIVE that had known files in the TEAM folder and THAT ONE shows up now. The other Google Drive accounts had no files in the shared Team Drive folder so I guess ODRIVE was not even bothering to show the Team folder in the root

Hi @dmcichy,
If you add a file to Team Drive folder that was empty, does it change the behavior and list the folder in the odrive desktop client? Did you check if it was listed on the webclient (

odrive is just making a call to Google to list the Team Drives via their API. I don’t think it matters if they have contents in them, but it is possible…