Google Drive enforces a limit on the rate of refresh

Is there a way to go around this? Its very annoying…

hi @sycshk,
This is a limit enforced by Google, so there isn’t a way for us to circumvent it. Are you currently performing any bulk actions, like a recursive download or bulk upload?

No bulk actions, just keep syncing many files I edit very frequently.

Hi @Tony ! I seem to have found the reason. Seems google drive is full. The reason is that it seems odrive is not truly emptying the trash in google drive. It just checked everything in the trash but the trash it self is not deleted. Any ideas where to set it so that it truly delete the files?

Hi @sycshk,
We do not empty the Google trash by design. The safety of your data is the most important consideration for us, so we want the action to permanently delete your remote storage to be as explicit a user action as possible.

Google Drive is one of the few services that counts items in the trash against your overall storage usage, so you will want to check and empty this periodically, if you find yourself deleting files often.

I’m having a similar problem with this google notification… but I just turned my computer on this morning!

How can I hit a limit when I haven’t been using the service?

All I did was click on a file I wanted to open, that has been unsynced by odrive, so needs to be downloaded.

Any ideas?

Hi @andrew2,
Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu so I can take a look?

Done, thanks…

Hi @andrew2,
I took a look. You hit a global odrive API limit, which is unexpected. Our average is below Google’s threshold for our app, in general, and it was below the threshold during the time that you hit this Google Drive exception.

I have reached out to Google about this to see what’s up.

Are you still experiencing this, or is it fine now?

Hi @Tony, that is unexpected! Everything is ok now, but it just surprised me as I’m new to odrive, and I needed a file… I had to go in the “old” way through google drive and download it. I’ll let you know if anything else crops up, other than that, good so far. Let me know if you can, what google says too.

On a separate note, how do I change my username on this forum? Please PM or email me… I’ve done a google search and couldn’t find anything.

Hi @andrew2,
I got an update from Google and everything should be good now. Just let me know if you see that error again.