Gdrive not properly syncing with desktop folders

I have received some uploads through a shared space in odrive, though those changes didnt populate to my local server which has an active sync folder. I see them in google drive web client, but the folders and files will not download to my odrive folders.

Can I get some help to diagnose whats going on?

I actually just figured this out- the folder used a “/” which was uploaded from a mac and I am on a PC

I have run into these problems in the past and they are kinda hard to spot. Is there an elegant solution that doesn’t involve trying to change peoples behavior?

Hi @conor,
Thanks for the update. Yes, these occurrences can definitely cause confusion. Our next big release of the client makes these types of issues much more visible, so that they are easier to detect and address.

Thank You! I will be ready to test it out when it goes into release.

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