Fail to enable odrive backup- backup a local folder to a remote odrive path

Can someone help the correct agrument?

Fail to enable odrive backup- backup a local folder to a remote odrive path

My cmd:

python “$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/” backup “$HOME/backuptest” “$HOME/odrive-agent-mount/Google Drive/move on indie album”

i am always get the error message, as follows:

Unable to add backup folder for: /home/pi/backuptest. The remote path is invalid.


Hi @ussxyz,
Sorry for missing this one earlier.

Backup is kind of an alpha feature, so not fully supported, but you should be able to get it to work by using a remote path that is relative to the root of your remote odrive content.
python "$HOME/.odrive-agent/bin/" backup "$HOME/backuptest" "/Google Drive/move on indie album"