Hi @keith,
I had the ops team take a look, but there aren’t any obvious issues being seen on the backend.
Are you dragging files into the uploader via the odrive web client?
How many files are you uploading at a time, and how many files, total?
Are you seeing any issues when uploading via the odrive desktop client?
Is this in an odrive Space?
Hi @keith,
There’s a possibility that the uploader is being rejected for too many concurrent connections. Do you know what the external IP is of the box that is doing the uploading?
I just tested uploading 500 4MB files via the web interface to Google Cloud and didn’t get any errors.
Ahh, yeah the message option has a bit of a gate and isn’t available to brand new users.
In any case that IP prefix was sufficient. Are you still seeing the issue. It looks like recent activity from that IP is getting all 200s for the past couple of hours.
Last few hours its been better, i’ve been told…
However, I would like to know how what happened to cause those 500 and 503.
If it was rate limiting a 429 would be more appropriate… Does the desktop client not rate limit?
Also, are there automatic retries on the browser for 5XX status codes?
Hi @keith,
The detailed logs had rolled out, so there wasn’t a way to definitively say why the 503 was happening. Generally this happens because the remote storage throws an exception when we are trying to POST. It likely wouldn’t be a rate limit unless the user was uploading with multiple browsers at the same time (the limit is fairly high). It is possible that Google was throwing these exceptions, itself.
The web client is not meant to be a robust upload tool. It is really meant for small or one-off uploads. All sustained or bulk uploads should be done via the desktop client, which has substantial logic around syncing, handling exceptions, backing off on rate limits, retrying, etc. That would be my strong recommendation for this user.