Encryptation not possible in Windows ? No see modal password and the files upload without encrypt in encrypt folders

Encryptation not possible in Windows ? No see modal password and the files upload without encrypt in encrypt folders…

Hi @masclic.com,
Thanks for reaching out.

Are you accessing the encrypted folders via the Encryptor container folder on the Windows system? (https://docs.odrive.com/docs/odrive-encryption-encryptor#accessing-your-encryptor-folders)

Here is a quick video I made on encryption, as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NFp6ApuE7Y

The encryption feature uses special container folders that are accessed from the \Encryptor within the odrive folder. I just want to make sure that is where you are looking, because it can be some cause for confusion. If so then this is an issue I have never seen and we’ll definitely need to get to the bottom of it.

Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu and let me know which path you are adding new files to?

Thanks, the problem is solved, right i put files with normal path not the new folder Encryptor and for this not encrypt the files, thanks.

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Great! Thanks for confirming @masclic.com.