Dropbox for business, using odrive?

Hi all,

I’m new to Odrive. I own a company with 25 people. I setup Dropbox Pro for all the staff.
We have on heavy directory and I’d like to use odrive features to reduce local disk usage.
That’s why I’ve considered Odrive.

2 questions:

  1. With Spaces, it seam I can own a big amount of space on Dropbox and let others collaborate, as they would do with Dropbox, without the need of having the same amout of space with their own Dropbox account and even without any other Cloud storage account. I found that weird since it’s not good for Dropbox sales. I’m I wrong?

  2. If I want to use Odrive Pro features for my company, I need admin features too (only one billing, create users, …) Is it planed?


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  1. You can think of spaces as more powerful versions of shared files/folders. The principle is the same in that you are allowing a certain portion of your storage to be accesses by others. If you are choosing to share your storage, it is up to you to determine proper use, and how that use fits into your storage account’s terms of use. For this reason, many folks will use utility storage, like Amazon S3, when they want to make heavy use of Spaces.

  2. We rolled out odrive Orgs recently, which allows for consolidated group subscription management and will continue to evolve beyond that. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

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