Desktop shortcut to odrive document

i had to uninstall odrive and reinstall because it had become unresponsive for whatever reason.

before the reinstall i had shortcuts on desktop to odrive documents that had a local copy, i.e. downloaded odrive docs and not simple placeholders to the cloud - those docs with the blue checkmarks.

these shortcuts let me open the docs without need to open explorer menu, i.e. a quick click on the desktop shortcut opened the docs.

now, since the reinstall i have not been able to make a shortcut and this is my question: how to make a shortcut from a document in the odrive explorer menu to the desktop???

silly me. i saw where odrive locally stores downloaded files [in users - Users\xxx\odrive\xxxxxx (cloud drive name)\records (sample folder name on cloud drice)\archives (sample subfolder name on cloud)] and made shortcut from there. right click doc in question and look in properties to see where stored on your computer.

Hi @rjr52e,
It sounds like you got it sorted out.

Just to make sure, when you first install (or reinstall) odrive will show all placeholders, so you just need to navigate to the files you want to download, sync them down, and then you can create shortcuts to them (or use the shortcuts you already had).

yup - thx for time of reply.

fyi - i have been trying to go ‘paperless’ across platforms and it would be impossible w/o odrive.

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