I’ve just set up a new virtual server, and even though I can connect through ssh and filezilla’s sftp, I can’t seem to get odrive’s sftp to work.
I’ve set it up with the following:
Type: Internet accessible sftp server (though I’ve tried both)
Host: (my server’s ip)
Start Path: /home/andy/odrive
Max Concurrent Connections: 3
Login with keyfile:
User: (my username)
Passphrase: (my passphrase)
Keyfile Content: (my private rsa key)
I’m able to link with no errors, but not browse. My app is telling me that all of my folders are not allowed, while the website tells me “Cannot browse (sftp connection name). That file or folder no longer exists.”
Hi @andrew.ault,
It looks like we are able to connect just fine, but when trying to list the first folder the SFTP server is saying that the path doesn’t exist. Can you double-check the “start path” for the link and make sure that is correct? Try leaving that blank and see what happens, too.