Hi @okz5289,
This looks like the connection was severed by the server. It could be a general network issue, or it could be that there is an upper limit to the file size that can be uploaded via their WebDAV interface.
Does this file continue to experience the same issue on upload, when odrive retries it?
Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive tray menu so that we can take a closer look?
Hi @okz5289,
I took a look at the diagnostic. Thanks for sending that.
It seems like the server is cutting off the connection. Since it was working a few weeks ago, and the odrive software hasn’t changed, my theory is that there is something going on with the storage.
Have you double-checked the amount of storage you have available?
I also noticed you aren’t running the latest version of our odrive client. I don’t expect different behavior from the new version, but it would be good to get on the latest.
Hi @okz5289,
It seems like Hetzner has developed an issue with their WebDAV access, at least with large file uploads. I suggest contacting them to see if they can investigate it from their end.