I just installed ODrive. However, if I want to set up the service and log into google, with the ODrive browser, I get an error message " Couldn’t sign you in
This browser or app may not be secure. Learn more"
What should I do?
I just installed ODrive. However, if I want to set up the service and log into google, with the ODrive browser, I get an error message " Couldn’t sign you in
This browser or app may not be secure. Learn more"
What should I do?
Hi @gijsnelemans,
Our software should not encounter this error. You may be using another product named “OpenDrive”, which is known to have this issue. Unfortunately they use the “odrive” name.
For information on our sync agent, which supports Linux, take a look here: https://docs.odrive.com/docs/odrive-sync-agent
If you are using one of our clients (desktop, agent, or web), can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing along with the steps you are taking to login?