I have a set of external HDs that I mount to my Win7 PC as needed. So at any time, I have one external HD mounted, and 11 or so ext HDs unmounted (in a heavy pile nearby). Once mounted, the ext HD might be my D drive, or it might be some other (non “C”) drive letter.
I’m using oDrive to back up these HDs to my Amazon Cloud Drive. In many cases, my backed-up folders can be unsynced. The (default) way it is now, my original ext “D” HD contains these placeholder (odrive) folders/files. As I swap between my pile of HDs, each HD has it’s own set of (oDrive) placeholder folders/files. If I need to search for a particular folder/file in my possession (or out on my cloud), I need to separately mount/unmount cycle among all my ext HDs to look through my collection of (oDrive) placeholder folder/files on each ext HD.
Since their storage size is no longer an issue (but inode capacities might eventually become an issue), it makes better sense to have all of these disparate (oDrive) placeholder folder/files collected together on my C drive rather than on their originally created external (“D” drive etc) HDs.
I’m experimenting with this now, and it doesn’t look like I can use the Win7 standard OS folder/file transfer capabilities to achieve this desired end: It seems that the mapping between the (oDrive) placeholder folder/file and the remote cloud storage is fixed between my original ext “D” HD (where the oDrive backup process was originally run from) and the cloud storage location… such that if I simply move the placeholder folder/file off the “D” HD onto my “C” HD, the proper mapping between the placeholder folder/file and the cloud storage object is corrupted & lost (informatively, the placeholder folder/file wisely informs me of this undesirable state by changing the folder/file icon away from any of the used oDrive icons back to the plain OS icons).
A kludgey way to achieve what I’m looking for would be to copy/move the content off of all of my external “D” HDs onto my “C” HD, then use oDrive to backup these folders/files to my cloud storage… then unsync them. This seems like a load of copying work I’d like to avoid (shortcut around) if possible.
Rather than using any of the regular available OS utilities to do such a placeholder move… it looks like a process customized to the oDrive environment needs to do such work instead.
Does this utility already exist? If not, is the usefulness of such a utility recognized? Might it already be on the “things to do” list?